By: Joe Corallo
Feb 21, 2020

We here at Geeks OUT want you, the reader, to know more about who we are. To help with that, we’ve started interviewing members of our board so you know what makes us tick. Here’s our seventh interview!

Who are you and what do you do for Geeks OUT?
Hi, I’m Teri Yoshiuchi and I am the 2020 Vice-President of Geeks OUT.

How did you first get involved?
Gosh, I actually don’t remember. I backed the first Flame Con on Kickstarter and volunteered there, but it may have actually been at NY Comic Con.

What makes you geek out?
I read a lot of sci-fi and fantasy novels and I’m super into tabletop gaming–board games and RPGs.

What book/tv show/comic/etc are you enjoying now?
Star Trek: Picard, The Expanse (both the TV show and the books). There’s so much out there right now it’s hard to keep up.

What are your favorite geeky past times?
I play a lot of Dungeons & Dragons. I’m also a USA Archery Certified Level 2 archery instructor.

What’s something underrated you think could use a shout out?
Indie role playing games. There are a lot more out there than Dungeons & Dragons.

What fictional setting would you most want to live in?
Star Trek, without question. The ability to explore the galaxy in a starship or create my own fantasy world on a holodeck would be amazing.

What was your introduction to geekdom?
When I was a little kid one of my babysitters had a Mattel Intellivision. All I wanted to do was play games on it. A few years later one of my friends got an NES from her parents for Channukah and I remember us playing Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt for hours.

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